luni, 3 decembrie 2007


n-am crezut in astre, in zodii, nici in luna asta n-am sa cred... dar ar fi frumos sa se transforme in realitate, macar o parte dintre cuvintele de mai jos, masluite pentru Capricorn si Pesti in luna decembrie:

Capricorn: If there's romance in the air on the 1st, there's a good chance that it could be coming long-distance. Maybe an ex who's relocated to Bangkok gives you a call -- and lets you know they're single. Maybe somebody you met when you were both stuck in the airport on unexpected layovers emailed you to let you know they finally reached their destination -- but they're itching to meet up with you again. Sure, long-distance has its disadvantageous, but give this person a chance. After all, if it's really love, you two can work together to meet halfway. Maybe this is more serious than you thought?

Pesti: There are times for equivocating. Then there are times for acting. The 1st and 2nd, it's time for action! You need to trust your gut and do whatever it tells you when it comes to a romantic situation. Haven't you noticed, by now, just how much smarter your gut is than you? And you're awfully intelligent! On the 6th and 7th, don't commit in writing to anything you aren't sure you're ready for (but be sure you ask your gut what it thinks -if it says you're ready, maybe you are!).

mai sunt vreo sapte zile de tacere...ce greu mai trece timpul..

5 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

lasa horoscoapele si move to the next level...

Roxana spunea...

pai eu as trece, da baiatu mi-e vedem ce facem cand revine in tara...

Unknown spunea...

pana atunci ai timp sa meditezi la ce 'vrei' face...

Roxana spunea...

meditez, meditez..daca ar fi doar dupa mine, cam stiu cum as vrea sa fie vedea ce iese peste cateva zile, saptamani, ani...

Unknown spunea...

eu zic sa t opresti la cateva zile, nici chiar ani, totusi...